Jockey’s annual tour of the city from about 10:00am – the starting point will probably be in The Briar Rose on Bennet’s Hill for Breakfast from about 9:00am
Jockey’ Day of Dance – Birmingham City Centre
Annual Tour2018/10/20 10:00 - 2018/10/20 18:00
Our Day of Dance in Birmingham City Centre
Jockey AGM2018/10/19 19:30 - 2018/10/19 23:00
The AGM – Venue TBC
Dance Evening at The Woodman2018/07/13 17:30 - 2018/07/13 23:00
Dance Evening with guests at The Woodman – Starts at 7:30pm
Whit Tour2018/05/28 - 2018/05/28
Our annual Whit Tour will take place on this bank holiday organised by our Deputy Squire. The itinerary has not yet been published.